Success for cheap travel tickets in Germany

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

When ticket sales statistics for the period from June to the end of August were presented on Monday, it was clear that 52 million monthly tickets were sold. The monthly card has cost nine euros, corresponding to around SEK 90, and has been a valid ticket for both local and regional traffic in all federal states.

The venture was an attempt to redirect the habits of Germans from private modes of transport to collective ones. The reason was to try to reduce the climate impact as well as the need to economize on energy due to Russia’s invasion war in Ukraine and subsequent sanctions against Russian energy exports. Runaway inflation was also a factor.

Many regions and cities have offered parking facilities for those willing to park their cars during the summer.

The umbrella group VDV, which represents around 630 German transport companies, said a further 10 million travelers who had bought regular travel tickets for the summer period were now being reimbursed for the extra cost.
