Subject of the French baccalaureate: annals and corrected

Subject of the French baccalaureate annals and corrected

Discover all the subjects of the previous general and technological French baccalaureate for free and in full.

Discover on this page the complete subject of the general French baccalaureate of the previous edition, as well as the complete subject of the technological French baccalaureate. The proposed answer key for the general French baccalaureate is also available below, as well as the proposed answer key for the French technological baccalaureate.

What are the last French subjects at the baccalaureate?

Last year, the first generals had four hours to prove themselves on one of the subjects proposed below to choose from;

♦ If they opted for the text commentary, evaluated on 20 points, a single object of study and a single subject were imposed :

Object of study: The novel and the narrative from the Middle Ages to the 21st century

High school students had to work from the text angry days, Songs, “The Brothers”, 1989, by Sylvie GERMAIN (born in 1954). In the instructions, some additional information was given: “Set in an indeterminate past, the novel by Sylvie Germain angry days takes place in the forests of the Morvan. The following text is taken from a chapter entitled “The Brethren”. It presents the nine sons of Ephraim Mauperthuis and Reinette-la-Grasse.”

♦ If they opted for the dissertation, also assessed on 20 points, they had the choice between three subjects related to the object of study “Poetry from the 19th century to the 21st century” :

Dissertation subject A: “Les Contemplations”, by Victor Hugo, books I to IV

The choice of this work corresponded to the course “The memories of a soul” included in the program of Premiere. The question was “Books I to IV of the Contemplation are they only an intimate song?” The following instruction was specified: “You will answer this question in an organized development based on books 1 to 4 of the Contemplations, on the texts that you have studied within the framework of the associated course, and on your personal culture”.

Dissertation subject B: “The Flowers of Evil”, a novel by Charles Baudelaire

The choice of this work corresponded to the course “Poetic alchemy: mud and gold”, in the program of Première. The question was: “In Romantic Art (Théophile Gautier, 1869), Baudelaire writes: ‘It is one of the prodigious privileges of Art that the horrible, artistically expressed, becomes beauty […].’ Does this statement reflect your reading of Flowers of Evil The instructions stated: “You will answer this question based on The evil flowers, on the texts you have studied as part of the associated course, and on your personal culture.”

Dissertation subject C: “Alcools”, a collection of poems by Guillaume Apollinaire

The choice of this work corresponded to the “Poetic Modernity?” course, also on the Première programme. The question was: “Is Apollinaire’s poetry a celebration of modernity?”. With the following instruction as an indication: “You will answer this question in an organized development based on Alcohols, on the texts you have studied as part of the associated course, and on your personal culture.”

Discover the subject of last year’s general French baccalaureate in its entirety below, thanks to our partnership with the specialized site Studyrama :

What subjects were proposed to the premieres of the technological sector? Find out via the real-time publication of the subject in its entirety, as soon as it is made available by the Ministry of Education to our specialized partner. Studyrama :

How could the subject of the general French baccalaureate be handled? Our partner Studyrama offers to discover it via the proposed answer displayed below:

How could we work on the subject of the French technological baccalaureate 2022? Consult the correction proposal Studyrama below, which goes online in real time as soon as it is completed, to find out more:

The written French exams for the general baccalaureate focused on a text commentary or an essay. Lasting 4 hours, the test was scored out of 20 points. As for the exams for the technological baccalaureate, they included a commentary or a contraction of the text followed by an essay. Also lasting 4 hours, the test was scored out of 20 points, or 10 points + 10 points.
