Subject and answer key for the life and earth sciences baccalaureate

Subject and answer key for the life and earth sciences

SUBJECT BAC SVT. SVT’s 2022 baccalaureate is over! Find all the detailed subjects of life and earth sciences for the 2022 baccalaureate as well as the corrections of a teacher on Linternaute.

[Mis à jour le 12 mai 2022 à 21h41] After two sessions, the SVT test for the 2022 baccalaureate is now over. All the candidates returned their paper this Thursday, May 12, 2022, after 3h30 of reflection on a wide variety of scientific subjects. They have all worked on the regulation of glycemia during fasting and, as desired, on geology and climate or on the genetic diversity of plants.

Candidates for the 2022 baccalaureate who had presented the SVTs in specialty can now consult the corrections to the exercises written by an associate professor, a little further down in this article. For the curious and those who would like to test their knowledge, all the subjects of the SVT test are also detailed below.

Would you like to know the answers to the SVT specialty test that took place on May 11 and 12? They are available below. The corrections are those of an associate professor of SVT who, like the candidates, studied the 2022 baccalaureate exam. The corrections are provided in partnership with Studyrama :

The corrections of the SVT test of Wednesday, May 11:

The answers to the SVT test of Thursday, May 12:

Through our partnership with Studyrama, we are able to reveal the official subjects to you. Wednesday, May 11, the subject of the SVT baccalaureate was divided into two parts. In the first exercise, assessed on 7 points, the candidates had the choice between the modulation of muscular contraction and the climatic variation in the Carboniferous. For exercise 2, assessed on 8 points, they were confronted with a single subject: allogamy in angiosperms. They were able to rely on a corpus of 4 documents including a certain number of graphics, diagrams and tables. For the second burst of SVT test on Thursday, May 12, the candidates had to perform an exercise on the regulation of blood sugar during a fast but they were then free to choose which subject to deal with between an exercise on geology and the climate and another on flowers and the genetic diversity of plants.

The subjects of the SVT specialty test on Wednesday May 11:

The subjects of the SVT specialty test on Thursday, May 12:

The SVT test took place during the afternoons of Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12 May, between 2 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Initially, it was to be organized in March, but the Ministry of National Education decided in January 2022 to postpone the round of tests from May 11 to 13 to prevent certain candidates from being penalized by the consequences of the Covid-19 epidemic on the school system.

Life and earth sciences (SVT) are a flagship course that is one of the twelve specialty subjects to choose from for first year high school students since the reform of the baccalaureate. To appeal to high school students keen on the scientific method, the field of fields that was usually studied when SVT was still a compulsory course in the common core has widened in this specialty. Beyond the development of scientific culture and the relationship with nature, this teaching aims at better education in terms of the environment, health and safety, to take up the objectives set by the Ministry of National Education. The busy program unfolds around three guiding themes: “The Earth, life and the evolution of living organisms”; “Contemporary issues of the planet” and “The human body and health”, each being broken down into several themes.

The SVT test counting for the baccalaureate takes place in two parts: first, the written one, marked on 15 points, and composed of two exercises 1 to choose from and a single exercise 2. The choice is therefore open for the first exercise, but the second is unique and mandatory. Next comes the practical test for the evaluation of experimental skills, scored out of 5 points. For this one, the teachers choose the subjects according to the skills worked on during the year.

The results of the specialty test in life and earth sciences will be available on July 5, at the same time as the results of the other tests (French, philosophy and major oral). The fact that specialty courses are evaluated one month earlier does not affect the publication of the results.
