Subject and answer key for the 2022 physics-chemistry baccalaureate (PUBLISHED)

Subject and answer key for the 2022 physics chemistry baccalaureate PUBLISHED

BAC PHYSICS-CHEMISTRY. The physics and chemistry specialty test, counting for the 2022 baccalaureate, was taken by the candidates on Wednesday May 11 and Thursday May 12. Here are the official threads and the fixes…

[Mis à jour le 12 mai 2022 à 21h53] Physics and chemistry opened the ball for the 2022 baccalaureate exams for several thousand candidates. High school students who opted for the physics-chemistry specialty at the 2022 baccalaureate passed their test this Wednesday 11 or Thursday 12 May. As the second session ends, all the physics-chemistry subjects are now known. After this appetizer, everyone will continue in a few days with the practical oral test. A second equally important part for this subject, whose coefficient amounts to 16 in the final grade of the baccalaureate.

The subjects of the 2022 physics-chemistry baccalaureate focused in disorder on the dye E127, the physics of juggling, the cooling of a horseshoe, or even the cardiac defibrillator… Knowledge questions were asked, but also dosage calculations or scientific explanations requested. As a reminder, the subjects of the physics-chemistry test offer a total of four exercises, the first is compulsory for all candidates but for the rest of the test, high school students are free to choose two exercises to perform out of the three present.

After the official subjects, place to their correction! With his partner Studyrama, the Internet user gives you direct access to a suggested answer key. An associate professor was responsible for writing the answers and developments expected during the test to deliver a complete and detailed answer key for the exam to baccalaureate candidates. The fixes are now all available below:

Physics and chemistry corrections Wednesday May 11:

Physics and chemistry answers Thursday, May 12:

The physics-chemistry specialty test was split into two parts with a written Wednesday May 11, 2022 for half of the candidates and another Thursday May 12 for the other half. Through our partnership with Studyramawe are able to unveil the official topics in full, you can check out the exam content below:

Physics-chemistry subjects Wednesday, May 11:

Physics-chemistry subjects Thursday, May 12:

What is the date of the physics-chemistry baccalaureate exam?

After a postponement decided by the Ministry of National Education due to the consequences of the Covid-19 epidemic on the school system, the specialty tests for the 2022 baccalaureate have been set between Wednesday 11 and Friday 13 May in Metropolitan France. Some of the candidates for the physics-chemistry exam were called on Wednesday 11 May. For others, the exam took place this Thursday, May 12. Whatever the day of the test, the candidates will have worked from 2 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.

The written test of physics and chemistry is scheduled to last 3h30. The exam is divided into two parts: the first is a compulsory exercise common to all candidates, for the second part high school students must complete two exercises with choices out of three offered. In terms of distribution of points, the first half of the test is assessed on ten points and the last two exercises are scored on five points each. To help the candidate in his choice, keywords are entered before each exercise to specify the main topics covered.

The practical test, it lasts an hour. On the subject side, each academy retains a certain number of assessment situations from those available on a national bank of subjects. At the time of the examination, the candidate draws lots for an evaluation situation “from among a subset, renewed every half-day, of at least two predominantly physical evaluation situations and two predominantly chemistry”, indicates the Ministry of Education. The candidate then has one hour to carry out the requested manipulations.

When will the result of the physics-chemistry test be published?

The results of the physics-chemistry specialty test must be published, like the results of the other bac exams, on July 5, 2022. Composed of two exams, the final physics-chemistry mark is obtained by multiplying the mark by 0.8 of the written part and by 0.2 that of the practical part.
