Stunning words from the former Minister of Defense of Greece! “We must take Erdogan’s statements seriously”

Stunning words from the former Minister of Defense of Greece

Evangelos Apostolakis, who served as the Chief of General Staff and Minister of Defense during the rule of the Radical Left Alliance (SYRIZA) in the main opposition in Greece, emphasized that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s warnings towards Athens “should be taken seriously” and said, It is extremely risky to argue that he speaks like that because of the situation in domestic politics. Turkey acts methodically and strategically.” said.

Apostolakis, in a program he was a guest of on SKAI TV, made evaluations about the recently escalating tension in Turkish-Greek relations.


Erdogan: “We are not playing games, we are talking seriously.” Noting that he gave the message, Apostolakis said, “We should know well that we need to take these things seriously. When Erdogan says, ‘We may come suddenly one night,’ he threatens that if we do not agree well with the sharing of the Aegean, as Turkey wishes, he will probably force it to happen. ” used the phrase.

Apostolakis noted that they should not remain silent, but that Turkey might want Greece to escalate tensions at this stage, and therefore, his country should be careful.


Arguing that Athens should show with clearer messages that it will not compromise its sovereign rights, Apostolakis said, “It is extremely risky to argue that Erdogan speaks like that because of the situation in Turkey’s domestic politics. Turkey acts methodically and strategically.” he said. (AA)
