Stunning exit from President of Ukraine Zelensky! He announced, “A world war will break out”: If they make an alliance…

Stunning exit from President of Ukraine Zelensky He announced A

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy stated that if China makes an alliance with Russia, a world war will break out.

According to the news of the German Welt newspaper based on the Italian newspaper La Repubblica, Zelenskiy said, “If China makes an alliance with Russia, there will be a world war and I think China is aware of this.” used the phrase.

Emphasizing that the China issue is extremely complex, Zelenskiy said, “It is important for us that China does not support the Russian Federation in this war. Actually, I would like it to be on our side. However, I don’t think it’s possible at the moment. I see it as an opportunity.” made its assessment.

Stating that the Ukrainian intelligence service received information that Russia wanted to change the Moldovan administration, Zelenskiy noted that they conveyed this to President Maia Sandu, and this information was confirmed by European countries a short time later.


Ukrainian President Zelenskiy stated that “Sooner or later the West will get tired of supporting Ukraine”, and when asked whether they are afraid of “being alone against Russia”, he said, “No one likes to fight alone, this is normal. If he thinks he’ll be alone one day, then he doesn’t understand who we’re fighting for and for what. If the West stops supporting us, our country will perish and no longer exist, but what do you think in the end: Will the invaders be able to turn it into a country like Russia? It’s impossible.” said.


Noting that Ukrainians hate the policies of Russian President Vladimir Putin and that Putin cannot change it even in the slightest, Zelenskiy shared the following views:

“Putin wants to rebuild the Soviet Union, but he will not succeed. Millions of Poles do not want Russian soldiers in their country. He will not be able to tell the Slovaks what to do, he will not be able to take Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania and occupy Ukraine. As President, I can never accept that. or I can’t explain it to our people. Because I think the same thing as our people: We don’t want to be conquered. We are not ready for this, we don’t want to be part of the USSR and we don’t want to be part of the Russian Federation. And we are not just two or three people, but forty million we are people.”

