Study: Many women with cancer have problems with sex

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That women who have been treated for cancer would have problems with their sex life was expected, says Lena Wettergren, who is the lead author of the study.

– But not to this level, she says.

“Wish the desire back”

SVT has received anonymous quotes from the women who participated. A woman says that the desire has completely disappeared:

“That it’s gone…I miss both the desire for sex and the feeling of feeling sexy. I feel great fear that it will never come back.”

Another says: “I wish I could get the desire back and feel ok with my “new” body and conditions.”

After the study was published, Lena Wettergren was contacted by women from both Sweden and the USA who recognized themselves in the study.

Most problems for women with reproductive cancer

It is mainly women with breast cancer, cervical cancer or ovarian cancer who have problems.

– When we looked at women with brain tumors and women who had had lymphoma, we saw that they had no more problems than women who had not had cancer, it was a little surprising, says Lena Wettergren.

There are ways to make sex easier during cancer treatment, hear Lena Wettergren tell about it in the clip.
