Studio DN: Does the Center Party want to rule with the Social Democrats now?

Studio DN Does the Center Party want to rule with

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Why do Andersson and Lööf look increasingly affectionate?

You and Hanna Jakobson have written an article about the Center Party approaching the Social Democrats. What points to that?

– There have been several signs in the last week. Or not just last week – it started in early June when Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson called a press conference on the American amphibious boat USS Kearsage, and brought Annie Lööf with her. Together, they criticized Ulf Kristersson. Since then, Magdalena Andersson has also praised Annie Lööf in her social media. Much of it came after another sign, namely that Annie Lööf refrained from distrust of Morgan Johansson. And last week, the Center Party and the Social Democrats said that they had a joint pension agreement, and then that the Center Party said that they would vote on the Social Democrats’ budget. So there are several big steps that have been taken.

If the Center were to be part of a Social Democratic government after the election, what would that mean for the parliamentary situation?

– There is a lot that can happen, but what happens then is that we have two new blocks. There is already the right-wing bloc, where SD is included, and then the new bloc will be the Social Democrats, the Center Party, the Left Party and the Green Party. This means that both the Left Party and the Sweden Democrats have each found a place, which could mean that it will be a little less messy and a little easier to agree before the formation of the government. But it remains to be seen, because there are things that can happen along the way.

Listen to the episode here:


Why do Andersson and Lööf look increasingly affectionate?

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Read more:

“Things are changing” – does the Center Party want to rule with the Social Democrats?
