Students pass out from the heat – India’s record heat shows no mercy | Foreign countries

Students pass out from the heat Indias record heat

In the capital of India, Delhi, the temperature reached 52.9 degrees Celsius on Wednesday. According to the Indian Meteorological Department, it is a new record.

The cell phone gets hot, the motorcycle gets hot, the head inside the helmet gets hot, but it doesn’t help: you just have to work, complain Durgesh Vishnu news agency Reuters.

He works as a food courier in Nagpur city. The temperature is between 45 and 47 degrees. But the capital has been even hotter than this: according to the Indian Meteorological Department, a record high of 52.9 degrees was measured in Delhi. Now let’s check if the gauges look right.

In densely populated cities, the situation is worsened by air pollution and a lack of cooling devices or electricity that could be used to produce cooling.

There have also been droughts in other parts of the region, all the way to Pakistan.

The physiological balance is disturbed

In Sheikpura, at least six students had to be hospitalized after fainting in the heat. Similar incidents happened elsewhere.

– Extreme heat and rising temperatures cause problems. The physiological balance is upset and it makes a person either vomit or pass out, explains the local doctor Rajnikanth Kumar.

In addition to students, the elderly are suffering. The heat has caused heart attacks and several people have died.

– The weather is terrible. I’m 70 years old, and I’ve never seen such scorching heat, he says Krishan Gopal.

And when it’s hot, the terrain is in danger of catching fire. This has happened at least in the states of Jammu and Kashmir. And there is no relief in sight, the heat is predicted to continue.
