Students on occupied land are forced to assemble drones

Russians will train Ukrainian schoolchildren in military drone technology.
It warns
National Center of Resistance of Ukraine.
“The intends to attract as many young people as possible to its military,” writes the NRC.

Ukraine’s National Center of Resistance, NRC, claims that Russia plans to introduce a military drone course for schools in the temporarily occupied areas of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts.

The NRC states that the course will focus on studying the technology, design features and assembly of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for military purposes.

The Russian-controlled schools will also conduct propaganda among students regarding further education in technical specialties and employment at military facilities.

“The Kremlin considers drone handling one of the key skills in preparation for military service. The Russians intend to attract as many young people as possible to their military and to their facilities in the military-industrial complex,” writes NRC.

“Thus, the enemy once again violates international law and uses the civilian population for military purposes”.

Already happening in Russia

TV4 Nyheterna already reported last summer about how Russian schoolchildren will learn drone technology at school.

The Russian lessons will be part of the “Basics of Life Safety” training and will apply to students in grades 10 and 11. The training, which will be introduced in September, will also include training in rifle handling and lessons in grenade skills.

According to the British Ministry of Defence, the induction was largely about an attempt to “cultivate a culture of militarized patriotism” rather than “develop real capability”.
