student towns to invest in – L’Express

student towns to invest in – LExpress

Buying student accommodation to rent can be a very good investment because it requires a relatively small initial investment. In addition, the student population continues to grow, generating excess demand compared to existing supply. In university towns, there is therefore strong rental tension for small spaces. The site specializing in real estate investment Maslow has compiled several data sources to establish those where tension is at its maximum, including in particular the evolution of the number of places on the Parcoursup platform.

For a small budget – less than 100,000 euros for 20 square meters – Orléans is at the top of the cities in which to invest. With 4,345 additional places on Parcoursup over the last four years, more than 11,000 students having left their family home there and only 5,378 accommodations available in Crous or private residences, the city displays a very tense situation.

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Behind, follow Angers, Metz, Brest and Besançon. “Overall, medium-sized cities offer excellent opportunities,” said Pierre-Emmanuel Jus, deputy director of Maslow. “They benefit from good growth potential, while offering very advantageous prices.” With more substantial means – between 100,000 and 120,000 euros – it is also possible to access larger cities. It is then Aix-en-Provence which arrives in pole position with its 8,608 new places on Parcoursup, ahead of Lille, Bordeaux, Nantes and finally Strasbourg.
