Student in Umeå was being strangled in a climbing position – the school did not report the incident

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It was in April that the accident occurred in the school yard. The student got stuck with his clothes in the climbing frame and could not get air. The student was transported urgently by ambulance to hospital.

But the school never reported the incident to the Swedish Work Environment Authority. They only found out about the accident a week later via the police. The school has thus violated the Work Environment Act and must pay a corporate fine of SEK 25,000.

“Miss from our side”

– It was a mistake on our part, when it happened the police came here and did an investigation, so then we assumed that the report had been arranged. Immediately when the incident occurred, we took measures to remove the handles on this particular playground and informed the employees more about the formality that applies, says Anders Nordlander, who is the principal of F-6.

How is the student today?

– The student remains at school and has no buts, luckily it went well. We continue to have a lot of staff out on breaks.
