Netbank Sambla has compiled a list of the most expensive and cheapest cities for students.
Even if the student loan and the student grant from CSN are equally high in all parts of the country, the costs are certainly not. Instead, the price differs by thousands between the cities.
Highest rent in Stockholm
The rent is the highest in Stockholm, and that also makes the city the most expensive to study in because it is by far the most expensive expense during a student month. But other expenses are both more expensive and cheaper in other cities around Stockholm.
A student in Stockholm has to dispose of SEK 9,200 a month according to the online bank’s calculation.
– Our calculation does indeed exclude things like insurance, clothes and entertainment, but it still shows what big differences it can make in the wallet depending on where you settle, says Marcus Sätherström on Collect in one press release.
In the calculation, the accommodation in Stockholm, which is based on the student living in one with the city’s average rent, ends up at SEK 6,030 a month.
Cheapest student city
The lowest rent is in Umeå, with an average rent of SEK 3,769.
But students in Linköping actually have the lowest overall cost. In Linköping, the rent is certainly 4,480 kroner, almost a thousand kroner higher than in Umeå. But because other overhead costs are so low in the city, students get away with SEK 7,196 a month. It is just over a hundred Swedish kroner cheaper than in Umeå and a whole two thousand kroner cheaper than the capital.
This means that you can get away SEK 1,997 cheaper in Linköping compared to Stockholm. Every month.
– It may not be what determines where you choose to study, but certainly the financial aspect can be a factor to keep in mind. Some people, for example, want to make sure they try to save money even during their studies, and it certainly makes things easier if you can have significantly lower monthly expenses, says Marcus Sätherström.
Cheapest student beer
Even the student beer differs greatly in price. The most expensive is a glass of beer in Sundsvall, where it costs SEK 59. Around 40 kroner is most common, but you can get away cheapest in Umeå and Uppsala where the beer costs 29 kroner a glass.
Table: Collect This is how you calculated:
Accommodation – average rent for a 1-room student accommodation
Public transport – monthly pass, student price if available
Groceries – an average grocery bag in the city’s cheapest store. We have counted on 2 per month
Lunch – a day’s lunch on campus or equivalent. Per month, we have counted on 2 lunches per week
Gym – monthly cost for a gym linked to the university
Beer – a standard beer at the student union pub, or equivalent. Per month, we have counted on 2 a week.
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