Student coach at school in Sundsvall convicted of armed robbery

The student coach, who is in his 30s and works at a school in Sundsvall, has several convictions behind him. Among other things, for a robbery where the victim was threatened with a gun.

He has also been convicted of assault, assault in a court case and several cases of drug offences. The last time he was convicted of a crime in court was last year.

Follows routines

The question is whether it is appropriate for the person to now work among young people?

– We follow our routines and take extracts from criminal records, but the information you have is not something I can comment on, says Åsa Jerfsten, who is director of operations for the elementary school in Sundsvall municipality.

Criminal past

At the same time, the municipality runs a project where, with the help of student coaches, the schools are to be strengthened in the fight against youth violence. The question is how does it rhyme with hiring people with a criminal past?

– We need to have people around our young people who can support them to make good choices in life and then the people’s background can be both a strength and a disadvantage, but the recruiting manager has hired those who they believe can do the job in the best way.

Open with his past

Is there a reason to take a closer look at this case?

– I guess it has already been done and above all we must secure our recruitment routines, says Åsa Jerfsten.

The headmaster at the school in question tells SVT that the person in question has been open about his past and got the job in competition with others.
