Stubb and Erdoğan in Ankara, Stubb: Finland’s NATO process left no dents, Erdoğan denied the NATO delay | Foreign countries

Stubb and Erdogan in Ankara Stubb Finlands NATO process left

The presidents’ discussions concerned, among other things, the war in Ukraine, the conflict in the Middle East, and the relations between Finland and Turkey and cooperation in NATO.

17:38•Updated 20:33

President of the Republic Alexander Stubb and the President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan met on Tuesday in the Turkish capital, Ankara.

Stubb described the presidents’ talks as two long hours in a “conflict-torn world”: the talks included the conflict in the Middle East and the war in Ukraine, as well as revitalizing trade relations between Finland and Turkey. Both emphasized the necessity of a ceasefire in Lebanon.

According to Stubb, the two NATO countries are now closer than ever.

– We are proud of the Turkish community living in Finland and the Finnish Tatar community.

In his expression, Stubb used the desired name of Turkey “Türkiye” instead of the English word Turkey.

Stubb emphasized the countries’ common understanding of the most central issues of geopolitics, such as the two-state model in the Middle East and the fact that Ukraine has the right to defend itself against Russia.

– Turkey is able to talk with both sides (Russia and Ukraine), which is extremely important, Stubb emphasized.

Stubb: The NATO process has no effect

According to Stubb, the surprises and delays in Finland’s NATO membership process did not leave dents between Turkey and Finland. Turkey was the last NATO member country to accept Finland into the military alliance.

– The direct answer is: it has had no effect, Stubb answered.

He added that Finland’s NATO road has been the fastest in history, despite the twists and turns.

– I always emphasized that you have to be patient, Stubb added.

Erdoğan: “We did not delay Finland”

Erdoğan justified Turkey’s conditions for Finland by rooting out terrorism. He denied that Turkey’s demands were about deliberately delaying Finland’s entry into NATO.

– We did not keep Finland waiting, Erdoğan said.

– We opened the way for Finland’s NATO membership. Our only purpose was that Finland curb terrorism – and honorable Niinistö helped in this.

Finland became a NATO member in April 2023, Sweden only a year later, in March 2024.

Erdoğan admitted that the situation with Sweden was different.

– Sweden did not take the same steps and did not act as Finland. When Sweden took steps to fight terrorism, both countries are now in NATO.

Erdogan also said that he appealed to Finland to promote Turkey’s EU membership.

A two day visit

Stubb’s trip was upgraded from a work visit to an official visit. According to preliminary information, the topics of discussion are the bilateral relations between Finland and Turkey and cooperation in NATO, the wars in Ukraine and Palestine, international cooperation and Finland’s future chairmanship of the OSCE.

Previously, Stubb gave a speech at the Martti Ahtisaari Legacy seminar. The program also includes a meeting with the Speaker of the Turkish National Assembly Numan Kurtulmuşin with, participation in the launch of a book about the history of the Tatar community in Finland, and laying a wreath at the mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.

Stubb’s entourage includes the foreign minister Elina Valtonen (collect.).
