Strong words to Putin: We saw that the Russian army is not as strong as it seems

Strong words to Putin We saw that the Russian army

While the Russia-Ukraine war continued, Czech President Milos Zeman made important statements. Stating that Russian President Vladimir Putin is a war criminal, President Zeman said in his statement, “There is a massacre in Ukraine. Civilians defending their country are being killed. This equates to genocide. Putin, who caused all this, is a war criminal. Putin has also committed crimes against peace. “I have said before that he is a madman, and the insane should be strictly isolated,” he said.

“We saw that the Russian army was not strong”

President Zeman said in his statement, “This war showed us some truths. For example, we saw that the Russian army was not as strong as it was thought. “I don’t think Russia can hold out any longer economically and politically in the face of attacks on Ukraine,” he said.


In his statement, President Zeman stated that Czechia will continue to support Ukrainian refugees and compared Ukrainian refugees to Syrian refugees. Claiming that Ukrainian refugees are made up of women and children, while men are fighting in their country, President Zeman claimed that Syrian refugees are men, leaving their wives and children in their country. Zeman also stated that they would consider different methods regarding the Roma among the Ukrainian refugees. (UAV)
