Strong undercurrents at the bathing area in Älvsbyn where two drowned

It is the day after the fatal accident when a 12-year-old boy and a man in his 30s drowned at Selholmen’s bathing area in Älvsbyn. The otherwise popular swimming spot below Selholmen’s campsite is deserted today.

– When it’s nice days like this, the entire slope is usually full of people sunbathing and swimming, says älvsby resident Jörgen Gustafsson, who is out resting his dogs by the beach.

But the Piteälven is treacherous in this place. Closest to the shore, the water is still, but only a short distance out, strong undercurrents form when there is a lot of water in the river.

– You are pulled down. I wouldn’t swim here when there is this much water, says Jörgen Gustafsson.

Clearer signage

In the grass next to the small sandy beach is a sign that warns of currents in the water. But several people SVT spoke to at the scene want to see clearer signage.

– There should be a big sign right by the beach, not some distance away, says a returning camping guest at the campsite next door, who, however, wishes to remain anonymous.

– It is not in and of itself a municipal bathing area, but I still think that the municipality would pay for proper signage, preferably in several different languages, says älvsby resident Jörgen Gustafsson.

No crime suspected

No crime is suspected in connection with the accident. Preliminary investigation leader Magnus Ingesson at the Police tells Piteåtidningen that there is information that the accident happened after the boy got too far into the water and that the man in his 30s tried to save him.
