Strong storm on the west coast – here the roofs blow off in Töreboda

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

– We have seen several trees and roofs blown down, says Anders Olsson at the rescue service Östra Skaraborg. According to him, the situation has calmed down somewhat, but several trees on roads are causing problems for local traffic.

Trains between Gothenburg and Stockholm have also stopped due to electrical faults, write The Swedish Transport Administration.

“Feeled the car almost take off”

Gabriel Amnehed was out driving a car with a friend in Töreboda when the storm hit.

– Everything happened so quickly, we were sitting outside in the car when it came. At first it started to rain a little, then more and more rain and finally it was impossible to see through the window, he says

At a campsite, Gabriel captured images of a caravan blown over by the wind, roofs blown away and parts of houses along the roads.

– It’s strange, feels like something you only see on TV from the US or something.

Yellow warning from SMHI

From Lysekil in the north, to Falkenberg in the south and all the way across Västergötland, SMHI has issued a yellow thunderstorm warning for Thursday afternoon and evening.

– The warning applies until tonight as we assess that there is a risk of thunder and strong gusts of wind, says Ulrica Sievert, meteorologist on duty at SMHI.

She also recommends taking it easy in traffic when heavy showers can cause obscured visibility and flooding on the roads.

“Avoid high points”

During thunderstorms, you should also especially avoid high altitudes.

– Pay attention to the weather. If you see that there is thunder, you should avoid being on the highest point of a place. If you don’t have to be out running, I recommend that you go inside and enjoy the spectacle instead, says meteorologist Erik Höjgård-Olsen.
