Strong reactions to Anna’s new gingerbread cookies: “Tastes like…”

Strong reactions to Annas new gingerbread cookies Tastes like

For the tenth year in a row, Anna’s gingerbread has launched a new flavor of its gingerbread, which will only be sold for a limited period around Christmas.

That’s what Anna’s limited edition gingerbread has tasted like in previous years

Previous years’ limited edition gingerbread cookies have had flavors such as lingonberry, winter apple, polka, licorice and crackling.

This year’s flavor of Anna’s limited edition gingerbread cookies is saffron.

Saffron is a spice that many strongly associate with Christmas. Already in the Middle Ages, the exclusive spice began to be used in festive dishes at Christmas time.

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That’s why saffron is the world’s most expensive spice

Today, saffron is the world’s most expensive spice, due to how little saffron is extracted from each crocus.

The flowers also have to be harvested by hand, which also contributes to the high price.

– We Swedes absolutely love saffron and eat incredible amounts of lussebuns around Christmas. With this year’s flavor, we combine the gingerbread with the taste of a freshly baked luss bun and we hope everyone finds it as irresistible as we do, says Eva Forsberg, Category marketing manager at Anna’s gingerbread in a press release.

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Photo: Pressbild This is how Anna’s gingerbread cookies taste with saffron

Nyheter24’s taste panel has tested and reviewed this year’s new flavor, and there were, to say the least, strong reactions in the panel after the taste test.

Here you will find out what the gingerbread cookies taste like and what the taste panel had to say after they tested this year’s novelty.


“Incredible taste experience where both the saffron and the peppercorn tones lift each other. A must on the candy and snack table this winter!”.


“WOW! I usually think that gingerbread should taste like gingerbread, but here they really got it. Perfectly balanced.”.


“A delicious complement to the classic gingerbread and perfect to pick up when you want to vary or when the usual gingerbread has become a little tired. I can imagine that it would have been delicious with some blue cheese.”


“You feel the saffron flavor unexpectedly clearly in this news. On the other hand, it doesn’t taste like gingerbread, but you still get a real Christmas feeling!”.


“Didn’t feel allowed to eat something so festive already in October. The saffron gingerbread tastes like it sounds – with the texture of a gingerbread but with the taste of a luscious bun. And it worked!”.


“I think the mix of gingerbread and saffron in this case tastes… Skogaholmslimpa? Not quite what I had hoped for. Pretty good, but no fireworks!”.


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