strong mobilization against the extreme right

strong mobilization against the extreme right

Several hundred thousand people demonstrated across Germany this weekend against the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. The revelations about a meeting where the expulsion, even the deportation of millions of foreigners and Germans by the AfD was discussed, explains this massive mobilization. In Berlin, the largest city in the country, as elsewhere, many people took to the streets.

1 min

With our correspondent in Berlin, Pascal Thibaut

Crowded buses, blocked streets: many participants ended up on foot or took their bikes to reach Place de la République. The immense esplanade in front of the Reichstag, symbol of democracy trampled in 1933, was quickly no longer enough to accommodate the crowd.

Many young people were present like Julian Pilz with a sign “Liberty, equality, Fuck AfD”:

” We sees today that the majority opposes the far-right and takes to the streets. »

This old lady with her children was born before the war and experienced the hell of the Third Reich:

I get goosebumps when I hear the AfD. What I experienced must never happen again. Not here. I’m happy that people are finally taking to the streets. »

More than 100,000 people participated according to police; 350,000 according to the organizers. There were hundreds of thousands of them this weekend across Germany taking to the streets to protest against the AfD.

Read also“We are no longer letting ourselves be fooled”: German farmers are facing the government’s cost-saving measures
