Strong advice from a climate scientist for those planning a trip to the south: “I wouldn’t go in the summer myself” | Weather

Strong advice from a climate scientist for those planning a

The weather in Southern Europe is no longer the same as it was 20 years ago, says Hannele Korhonen, research professor at the Institute of Meteorology.

Research professor at the Department of Meteorology Hannele Korhonen urges you to consider whether it is worth traveling to the hottest corners of Southern Europe in the summer at all.

– I myself have decided that I won’t even go to those areas in the summer when I’m under fifty, says Korhonen.

For example, it has been really, really hot in Greece lately, and several tourists have died from the heat. According to Korhonen, heat waves are now stronger than before because there is more energy in the atmosphere due to climate change.

– You should remember that the conditions are not the same as, say, 20 years ago. That is, if the memories and experiences are from there, you have to understand that the situations there can be much more difficult for the body.

In Finland, a few weeks of heat can cause hundreds of deaths

Sunshine and warm weather will also cover a large part of Finland this week. The second heat wave of the summer is about to begin in Northern Europe, and the temperature can rise above 30 degrees in some places.

According to the Institute of Health and Welfare, the health hazards of the heat especially affect the elderly and those suffering from long-term illnesses.

Health problems can already occur on individual hot days, but the risk of serious problems increases especially during heat waves. In Finland, a hot period of a few weeks can cause up to several hundred premature deaths.

According to Korhonen, along with your own health, not traveling is also important for the future. Greenhouse gas emissions should be brought close to zero in the near future.

– All the emissions we produce really matter. It might be worth thinking about what you have to do and what you can choose to do differently.
