Stroke is not a “old” disease: here is the most at risk according to statistics

Stroke is not a old disease here is the most

More than 120,000 strokes (AVC) are identified each year in France, 30,000 people die.

Strong is scary and it increases in France. This increase in cases is “expected” Due to the aging of the population, explains Public Health France in a epidemiological bulletin published on March 4, 2025. On the other hand, a “Epidemiological signal” has been recorded on the increase in incidence and hospitalizations for stroke in adults under the age of 65, for fifteen years.

Stroke or “stroke” is a brutal accident affecting the vast majority of cases to the presence of a clot that clogs a vessel and hinders the right blood circulation at the neurological level (so -called “ischemic” stroke). More rarely, the stroke is “hemorrhagic”, that is to say associated with the presence of cerebral bleeding. In both cases, it is a vital emergency. According to the inventory drawn up by Public Health France, 80% of victims of stroke are hospitalized for an ischemic stroke and 20% for hemorrhagic stroke.

The rate of stroke increases with age, it is 26/100,000 among 18-44 year olds against 1,364/100,000 after 85 years. “”If stroke is rather a pathology of the elderly, even very elderly, with a quarter of patients aged 85 or over at the time of stroke in our study, the proportion of young subjects is not negligible with more than one patient in four under the age of 65, especially in men ” explains the authority. She reports “An upward trend of ischemic strokes” among those under 65. In general, the man is affected earlier by the stroke with an average age of occurrence at 70 years against 76 years for women. Overall, age at risk of making a stroke is 73 years old, according to French statistics.

“The hospital assessment is heavy with only 57% of ischemic strokes and 37% of hemorrhagic strokes that come home after the acute phase” continues public health France. A total of 30,682 deaths associated with a stroke were recorded in 2022, a quarter of the people affected. The average age on death was 79 years in men and 85.5 years in women. The majority of deaths occur in the hospital (64%), 21% in nursing homes and retirement home, and 14% at home. In case of stroke, every minute counts. The first reflete from the occurrence of stroke symptoms is to call 15 (SAMU).
