Strikes hit British Christmas holidaymakers

Strikes hit British Christmas holidaymakers

Published: Less than 30 min ago

full screen Travelers at Kings Cross Station in London prepare to board the last train departures on Christmas Eve. Photo: Aaron Chown/AP/TT

Thousands of Christmas travelers in Britain rushed on Saturday to get off on the last train departures before rail workers from the RMT union went on strike.

The strike will last until December 27 and has forced many holidaymakers to find alternative modes of transport, such as cars and buses.

Around 1,000 border guards at Heathrow, Gatwick and other airports are also on strike. They have been replaced by, among other things, military personnel, which meant that the disturbances were minimal on Saturday, the BBC reports.

Large parts of Great Britain are paralyzed by the biggest wave of strikes to hit the country in 40 years. As well as railway workers and border guards, postmen, local bus drivers and road transport staff are also on strike over the Christmas holiday.
