Strike at the “Sunday Journal”: Lagardère persists and signs

Strike at the Sunday Journal Lagardere persists and signs

The editorial staff of the Sunday Journal is starting its 33rd day of strike. The blockage is total, and the latest announcement is not likely to appease it. Geoffroy Lejeune will indeed take the effective direction of the drafting of the Sunday newspaper on August 1, this is announced by the boss of the group that owns the JDD. In a daily interview Le FigaroArnaud Lagardère comes out of his silence and maintains his decision, at the origin of a historic strike started on June 22nd.

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Arnaud Lagardère persists and signs: Geoffroy Lejeune will take up his duties next Tuesday.

Five weeks of strike will not have changed anything: the boss of the group that owns the JDD remains inflexible. No question of disavowing, of giving up naming this young 34-year-old journalist marked on the far right, support for candidate Eric Zemmour.

This arrival is however a real red cloth for journalists who refuse to allow their 75-year-old news weekly to become an opinion paper. But nothing helped… The owner of the newspaper says he made his decision alone, that is to say without listening to the ultra-conservative multi-billionaire, Vincent Bolloré, whose Vivendi group bought Lagardère, owner of the Sunday newspaperof Paris Match and Europe 1. He refutes the label attached to the former director of Current values and speaks of an “unfounded and contemptuous far-right fantasy”. The situation of the JDD thus recalls the strikes of Europe 1 in 2021 and of i-Télé (become CNews, property of Vivendi) in 2016, concluded each time by massive departures.

Also to listenStrike at the “JDD”: “The influence of Vincent Bolloré as he exercises it over the media of the Lagardère group”

For its part, the editorial staff again massively renewed the strike on Tuesday for the 33rd consecutive day. This weekend, the previous renewal of the movement made it the longest since the i-Télé strike in 2016. The showdown therefore continues, with the Society of Journalists and the newspaper’s management mutually transferring responsibility for the breakdown of negotiations.
