Strike at school: March 11 and 15, who will be mobilized?

Strike at school March 11 and 15 who will be

To bend the government on the pension reform, the inter-union confirmed the next two days of mobilization in March. Some teacher and youth unions have already responded. Who will be mobilized in the schools? Update on announcements.

THE Opponents of pension reform have not said their last word, in particular National Education and Youth. While the debates on the text of the law end in the Senate this Sunday, March 12, the inter-union confirmed the two next mobilizations, March 11 and 15, 2023. The day of March 15 will therefore coincide with the day of examination of the reform in a joint committee, before returning again to the National Assembly and then to the Senate for its final adoption. In the meantime, the intersyndicale wishes to be received at the Élysée by President Emmanuel Macron so that the demands of the population, but also of active people, can finally be heard. Regarding the next moves, in National Education, some unions relayed calls for mobilization, as did youth organizations. which may foretell new disturbances in the streets, but also in schools.

How will the strikes of March 11 and 15 go at school?

Regarding future mobilizations in March, theNational Education should take part in the actions planned by the intersyndicale THE Saturday March 11 and Wednesday March 15. Some teacher unions have already relayed the call for mobilization and strike, such as the SNUEP-FSU union or SUD Education. A school strike is therefore possible on Wednesday 15 March. In his joint statement published on March 8, all the unions are calling “to a new interprofessional mobilization this Saturday, March 11 then from next week, to a day of demonstrations and strikes, Wednesday, March 15, day of the joint committee, an important moment in the parliamentary calendar. She (the inter-union, editor’s note) calls on the entire population to continue the mobilization and actions, even more massively to say no to this unjust and brutal reform.”

Who will be mobilized on March 11 and 15 in National Education?

After the general strike of March 7, which brought together National Education staff, and the student strike of March 9, organized by students and high school students and which was supported by teachers, National Education should mobilize again on March 11 and 15 to maintain pressure on the government. March 11 falls on a Saturday, but March 15 falls on a Wednesday, a school day. For this day, teachers could go on strikejust like the AESH and the agents who are in charge of the services ofafter-school reception, canteen or school transportwho were mobilized during the previous movement on March 7.

For the time being, several teachers’ unions have shared calls for mobilization to the strike of March 11, such as SUD Education. “March 11, in the streets”, underlines the union in a post on Twitter. The SNUEP-FSU, national trade union for vocational education, also co-signed the inter-union press release. THE teachers in vocational schools should therefore be mobilized once again against the pension reform, but also the reform of the vocational high school, which is also debated.

The youth mobilized for the strikes of March 11 and 15?

When Thursday March 9 student strike, young people were mobilized in the streets and in front of schools. A mobilization that made people talk about it since many high schools and universities were blocked during the day all over France. For the next mobilizations, the youth has also responded present. “We don’t want to work so late when we don’t need to! We refuse this social project where we are selected at 18 and we are made precarious at 20said Colin Champion, president of the high school student union La Voix Lycéenne, on the set of Telematin March 9. The UNEF has also relayed the following message on its Twitter account: “RDV in the street on #11mars and #15mars to impose a defeat on the government!”

Why are teachers opposed to pension reform?

In National Education, opponents of pension reform are numerous. The teachers are against the government’s plan, which they deem “unfair”, particularly with regard to raising the legal retirement age to 64 and extending the contribution period. Most also claim a upgrading of the teaching profession which must pass over working conditions, the training of future teachers and the remuneration of staff. “In the schools, the deep anger felt about the pension reform is fueled by other ministerial decisions that are undermining the School and its staff. more than 4000 class closures announcedthe ‘work more to earn more’ of the ‘teacher pact’ but also a salary increase that will not be up to par”says the SNUipp-FSU press release, published on February 23.

Is a minimum reception service provided for in schools on strike?

The minimum reception service is compulsory in the event of a strike in certain schools and under certain conditions. Primary schools (primary and elementary schools) are required to provide a minimum reception service for all their pupils, when there is more than 25% of teachers declared on strike. On the other hand, colleges or high schools are not subject to this obligation. The same applies to crèches and after-school care in the structures.

Can a student be refused entry to school if there is a strike?

In the first degree, even if there is a planned strike in a school, under no circumstances can a pupil be refused school. A pupil in primary school (nursery or elementary) must be welcomed during class time, even if his teacher or mistress is absent. This reception service is free. It is provided differently at public school and at private school under contract”indicates the site of the Public Service, according to the law in force since 2008.

What if my child’s school or class is completely closed?

Primary schools (nursery and elementary) are affected by the minimum reception service in the event of a strike (if more than 25% of teachers are absent). This is not the case for colleges and high schools, as well as in nurseries or even for after-school care. In cases where there is no childcare service in place, the parents of students must on their side find a solution to have their children looked after. Without a solution, some parents sometimes have to take a day off or telecommute.

How does the right to strike work in National Education?

The right to strike in National Education responds to a few obligations. In the first degree, school teachers must declare their intention to go on strike in advance, at least 48 hours before the movement, respecting one working day. It is therefore not possible to declare oneself a striker on Friday if the strike takes place on Monday. If the teacher does not inform his management, he incurs a disciplinary sanction, indicates the ministry’s website.

In colleges and high schools, if a notice has already been given by a union, teachers are not obliged to declare themselves to be on strike in advance. It is up to the management of the establishment to carry out a census of the strikers and to inform the pupils and their families of them in advance. In fact, some teachers also use interactive platforms with students and families to announce their participation or not a few hours before the start of classes. Advice: do not hesitate to contact the school management a few days before or the day before to find out the details of the mobilization to come.
