Although there are many ways to raise your children, experts recommend having a firm approach to parenting.
Faced with yet another stupidity, many parents are helpless. Should you get angry, appear detached or calm down your child? Overall, it is difficult to establish a universal method for every family and situation. However, many experts agree on one thing: it is best to use a “strict” parenting style. For good reason, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), an association bringing together professionals in the field, recommends this type of education.
In total, there are four parenting styles according to researcherswhich make up two groups: authoritarian and democratic parents are in the “strict” group; permissive and disengaged parents are in the “low strict” group.
Parents in the “low strict” group are not considered the best. “Permissives” neglect the establishment of a structural framework. They rarely interfere with their child’s development and prioritize their free will, no matter if that means eating chocolate with every meal. They listen very well, but forget that they are dealing with developing adults. The indolence goes even further when it comes to “disengaged” parents. Indeed, they do not develop any rules or set any goals for their children. These are barely considered and receive very little attention.
The best parents are in the “strict” group. However, authoritarian parents have big flaws. For them, obedience, punishment and discipline are the pillars of education. However, they tend to communicate one-sidedly and forget the needs of their children. At home, they will be used to respecting the rules, but will break away from them once they leave the family circle.
Strict parents are the best, but they will be even more so if they develop the “democratic” style. This style requires regular communication with your child, in addition to a clear and very firm framework. To establish this, it is necessary to explain the reasons behind a ban, while showing interest in the emotions and feelings it generates. The child then benefits from a reassuring space, despite the rules established by the parent. According to experts, this type of education allows them to develop peacefully and become a “respectful”, “resilient” adult, with “leader” abilities.
Despite everything, certain disadvantages may appear due to the high demands and expectations of this type of parent towards their child. Indeed, it is not uncommon for the latter to experience phases of rebellion, anger or apathy, regardless of the merits of his education. Faced with these behaviors, you just have to be patient and wait for the trouble to pass, psychologist Jeff Nalin tells the magazine. Parents.