Strict migration for a long time to come

Strict migration for a long time to come
full screen Social Democrats’ party chairman Magdalena Andersson (S). Archive image. Photo: Magnus Lejhall/TT

Migration to Sweden will be tight for a long time to come, says Social Democrats party leader Magdalena Andersson in an interview with Expressen. She believes that S was carried away during the wave of refugees in 2015.

– The strict migration is tied to a change of power. It is a given. It will have to be fixed for a very long time to come, she says.

The reason is that people should have a real opportunity to become part of our society, according to Andersson. She believes that S was swept along during the wave of refugees in 2015 when the then party leader Stefan Löfven stood and spoke about “in my Europe we don’t build walls”.

– The social climate was like that, says Andersson.

She claims that she was the driving force in the restructuring of migration policy that was made after 2015.

It is also not certain that the Green Party, which S governed with the last two mandate periods, will be allowed to take a seat in a possible new S government.

– It depends entirely on how the Riksdag looks like, how the mandate change looks like. It’s also clear what the requirements are, she says.
