Strep throat can lead to sepsis

The common bacteria A streptococcus often heals on its own and can lead to mild illnesses such as swine pox and strep throat. But now the Public Health Authority warns that the same bacteria can also lead to more serious diseases, something like Science Radio was the first to report on.

– These are very aggressive bacteria when they take hold and cause an invasive infection. Then it can go very quickly. From experiencing mild symptoms, the condition can quickly deteriorate in a few hours, says Magnus Gisslén, state epidemiologist and professor of infectious diseases at Sahlgrenska Academy.

All ages are affected

– The greatest risk is for the elderly and children. They have the highest incidence of invasive disease, but all ages can be affected and even the completely healthy, says state epidemiologist Magnus Gisslén.

The fact that the disease is invasive means that it can enter the blood and lead to blood poisoning or sepsis. It can also mean deep soft tissue infections in the skin and muscle.

Currently, the Swedish Medicines Agency recommends sampling and treatment for at least three out of four symptom criteria: no cold – as it is most likely due to a virus, fever, deposits on the tonsils, enlarged lymph nodes in the angles of the jaw.

Does not apply to all types of strep throat

– We want to open up so that we can also sample and treat those who have fewer criteria when the doctor suspects that it is a group A streptococcal infection, says state epidemiologist Magnus Gisslén and adds:

– However, it is important to emphasize that you should not treat all strep throats. Only those that are group A streptococcal, not viral.

Furthermore, Magnus Gisslén believes that people who contract invasive group A streptococcal disease often have someone close to them with strep throat. Penicillin quickly reduces infectivity.

– By finding and treating more, our hope is that we will be able to prevent some cases of serious invasive infections.

Why are we seeing an increase in A streptococcus right now?

– On the one hand, there have been few cases of group A streptococcal infections during the pandemic, in the same way as we have seen for many other infectious diseases. But there may also be other reasons why we see a high incidence now, says state epidemiologist Magnus Gisslén.

Facts: Invasive Streptococcal Infections

Facts: Invasive Streptococcal Infections


Group A streptococci (gas) is the type of streptococci that causes the most infections and the most serious infections in humans.

They can, for example, lead to strep throat, scarlet fever, rose fever, swine pox, blood poisoning and soft tissue infections.

The best way to prevent spread is good hygiene, for example in preschools.

The incubation period is between one and three days. The diagnosis is made via a rapid test, culture or by detecting the bacteria’s genetic material.

Patients infected with invasive group A streptococcus require immediate care. Then, for example, respiratory or kidney dialysis care may be required.

Only the invasive group A streptococci are notifiable according to the Infection Control Act.

Source: Public Health Agency.
