Cigarettewhile having negative effects on all body health, it is seriously threatening oral and dental health. Cigarette that disrupts the oral structure, cancer also invites.
“70 of more than 7,000 chemicals found in cigarettes are carcinogenic”
Deputy Chief Physician Dt. Ayşegül Asal Bush, stating that smoking is the shooter of many diseases, “respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, kidney diseases, such as the disorders of oral and dental health has many negative effects. There are more than 7 thousand chemicals in the smoking. Approximately 70 of these substances cancer. It is a substance of nicotine dopamine in the hormone of the hormone.
“Smoking causes stone formation”
Saying that there are 10 to 14 milligrams of nicotine in the cigarette, Çalı said, “This is absorbed by skin and mycosis of about 1 to 1.5 milligrams. This includes intraoral mycosis. When we evaluate the effects of cigarettes on oral and dental health, the immunes of our patients who smoke are experienced. They say that they smell bad and their self -esteem decreases, nicotine and tar in tooth surface, which also causes the flow of saliva in the mouth and indirectly. .
“Toothbase accumulation will increase on well -cleaned tooth surfaces”
Transferring that the amount of saliva in the mouth is important in terms of health, “There is a large factor in washing of both soft tissue and tooth surfaces in the mouth. Depending on the reduced amount of saliva, dry mouth occurs in patients. Over time, it causes infection in the gums, “he said.
“Deteriorated gum causes recovery in surgical procedures to delay”
Nicotine in the cigarette has a narrowing effect on the vessels, explaining that Çalı, said:
“This effect causes both the feeding of the gums and the disruption of the bone. In patients who use cigarettes due to contraction in the vessels, there is no bleeding in the gums due to contraction in the gums. Infection of the gums in the teeth of the teeth of the teeth of the teeth and bone health. Patients who experience and smoke treatment have a negative effect on the success of implant treatment in surgical procedures.
“In people who smoke CANCER The risk is 6 times more than those who do not drink “
Pointing out that there are red and white lesions in people who smokes, Çalı said, “These lesions are important for us because they are formations that cause cancer. 90 percent of cigarettes are likely to be seen in individuals who smoke in mouth, lip, tongue and larynx. In relation to the duration of addiction, the risk of formation of cancers in people who are smoking is 6 times more. “