Streamers 4 Palestinians: the charity event raises more than 600,000 euros for Médecins du Monde

Streamers 4 Palestinians the charity event raises more than 600000

A pot raised in support of the Palestinian people has already collected 600,000 euros for the benefit of the Médecin du Monde association.

It is a movement that seems to bring the French together around the same cause. While in recent days the bombings in Gaza have continued to intensify, a fundraiser in support of the Palestinian population has been launched since Friday May 31 on the internet.

Under the name of “Streamers 4 Palestinians”, this mobilization is sponsored by the famous streamer with 600,000 subscribers Baghera Jones. From Friday May 31 to Wednesday June 5, 2024, she invites streamers to take turns for five days in a live broadcast on the Twitch platform. Faces well known to the general public have already followed one another such as the journalists Clément Viktorovitch and Samuel Etienne as well as the internet creators Horty, Ponce and Angle Droit.

Since its launch, calls for donations have continued to multiply and in just three days no less than 600,000 euros have been collected. All of these winnings are entirely donated to the NGO Médecins du Monde, which intervenes in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by providing the necessary care to the victims.

The outpouring of solidarity did not stop in France as it reached the United States. On Thursday, May 30, 2024, around ten creators from Youtube and Tik Tok gathered in Los Angeles. The show “Creators for Palestine” broadcast live on Twitch raised $1.5 million for the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) and the humanitarian organizations Palestine Children’s Relief Fund, Medical Aid for Palestinians and HEAL Palestine.

How far will the movement initiated in France go? Will it reach its goal of 1 million euros in donations? To find out, you can follow the collection of donations in real time on the dedicated online site “streamlabs charity” and follow the live shows of the different creators on their respective channels.
