Streamer shows a viewbot live on Twitch, giggles, lies, is banned

The Brazilian streamer Queengloriarp is usually streaming in front of 37 spectators on Twitch, but is now still a big topic on the channels of the influencer scene. Because half of these 37 spectators are probably not real, but a bot. The whole thing came out a little embarrassing for them. Twitch also banned it.

That was the situation on Twitch: The Brazilian streamer streams in English. On March 18, 2025, the streamer smiled a little cool into the camera, while seeing the screen that she was apparently tapped into a viewbot program. Such a program creates “artificial spectators”, which have the statistics beautiful, but otherwise no function.

Apparently she noticed that the spectators had noticed their misstep and giggled in a high voice. Then she explained with the index finger raised that she would be back right away.

When she was seen again, she announced a little uncertainly that her streaming program OBS had requested a restart. Obviously a lie: it is likely that she took care of her slip during the streaming break. Maybe she has deleted a video-on-demand and thus evidence.

In any case, she could not prevent a clip from circulating with her behavior.

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What effect on you does that have? Twitch has banned the streamer Queengloriarp. How long the spell goes is unknown.

In addition, she has damaged her reputation sustainably because she will now be suspected of artificially increasing her number of spectators.

Does she do that more often? A user on X took a closer look at the statistics of Queengloriarp on Twitch and Kick and the graphics point steep increases upwards, apparently whenever they switched the boost through the viewbots.

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Streamer admits big slips, but asserts innocence

This is how the streamer reacts herself: In a post on X, the streamer herself says herself that she had a great slip.

The streamer says (via Reddit):

  • Your channel grown up 4 days ago without increasing participation in the chat.
  • A friend explained to her that someone sends her viewbots and that confused her.
  • Then she googled and found one side. She then noticed that everyone could send every viewbots. And that is also very cheap.
  • In the stream, she came back to a tab with this page from understanding. But she is a noob and have no idea about the whole side. Therefore, she immediately deleted the video-on-demand because she was afraid that people would think of her to be a cheaner.

    Why do people use viewbots? The most likely answer is: to increase the visibility of your own stream, because many spectators sort streams according to size – the more spectators you have, the more you appear in the feed of new spectators.

    You also get more interesting for advertising customers the more spectators you have.

    And it could also be a conscious stroke of your own ego: Because streamer are in competition with each other as in a high score list and everyone would like to climb a few ranks.

    This is how it is discussed: The influencer Jake Lucky asks the legitimate question: If such a small streamer has already added 20 viewbots – what about big streamers? (via X)

    For a long time there have been rumors about streamers with allegedly ten thousand spectators whose Twitch chats are almost dead because there are only two handful of spectators there.

    Viewbotting seems to be a serious problem on Twitch, as critics of the platform keep being a serious problem. It is not even said that the streamers use viewbots themselves, it may also be that a fan or an enemy sends them the bots into the channel: Industrie insider denounces Streamer: “99 % cheat and honest, hard workers stay behind”
