In the hardcore mode of WoW Classic there is currently a big drama surrounding the streamer guild OnlyFangs and the content creator Jason Thor “PirateSoftware” Hall. After an unpleasant situation in a dungeon, the YouTuber is met with hatred. Now he’s talking about it.
That’s the whole drama:
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This is what Hall says now: In a new post on X, the streamer explains the situation from his perspective. He says: People are going too far with this whole thing. He made a mistake – but the whole situation wasn’t entirely his fault.
As a result of the situation in the dungeon, he received tens of thousands of messages, in the game, on Twitter, Twitch, YouTube, Reddit, even via voice. Hall says he has received death threats and points to examples on X.
There you can see messages from players whispering to him and promising to “stab” him at the next BlizzCon. Others threaten his family, saying they will hand him his father’s head on a silver platter.
Hall and his team started reporting these people. As a former Blizzard developer, he still has contacts with the company and can pass on such reports directly – but such threats are simply not something to be trifled with.
“The whole thing is annoying”
Hall also explains in his post that the whole OnlyFangs thing is annoying him. OnlyFangs is a hardcore guild of streamers and content creators whose main goal is to create material that entertains viewers. The guild is quite successful and OnlyFangs makes WoW one of the biggest games on Twitch.
The streamer now criticizes that this idea has long since been reduced to absurdity. When he was in a group with a streamer again after the situation, the streamer reacted extremely aggressively and wanted to argue with Hall in the voice “for the content”. Hall writes:
This [OnlyFangs] posed as a “content guild,” which meant we created stories and narratives around our characters and achievements. Not content at all costs – what it has now become clear.
Pirate software on X
The drama is extremely polarizing in the comments. Many users agree with Hall and say they only watched the guild because of him. They predict the downfall of OnlyFangs. Others criticize that Hall has still not publicly apologized for his mistake.
There’s a lot going on at the streamer guild itself right now. The ex-guild leader Sodapoppin dueled with Twitch bully Tyler1 – and lost bitterly. There was a lot at stake: Twitch streamer first loses his guild, then his dignity in a duel in WoW and 430,000 are watching