Always Evolving, Farming Underlines How Flexibility and Smarts Add Area Prosperity. This is part Four of Postmedia’s How Canada Wins Series.

Agriculture has been one of the Economic Backbones of Strathroy-Caradoc since Long Before Egg Farmer Rick McCracken was born.
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But Farming TODAY is Nothing Like It was when he grew up, Says the Fifth-Generation Farmer, Whose Operation is Located Between the Small Rural Centers of Melbourne and Mount Brydges in the Municipality West of London.
“Traditional Farms Would’Ve Been very mixed. When i was young, there we are some pigs, theres Were Chickens or Cattle and probably very little, if any, cash crops. TODAY, There are no pigs and no cattle – Just the chickens, as far as LIVESTOCK is concerned, and then cash crop. Operations, ”The 78-Year-Old McCracken Said.
That transformation has come through many changes.
For one, the Economies of Scale and Specializing in Growing Fewer Crops – Especially Wheat, Corn and Soybeans – Made Farming A More Viable and Profitable Business.
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Other more specialized crops such as tobacco, icon a multi-billion-dollar industry and very prominent in the area, slowly dieed down as consumer behaviour change.
Now, the need for land to build new homes for now fast-growing strothroy-caradoc is turning, in the eyes of some, into an existential threat to agricultural land and the are’s farming way of life.
“Properties that were farmed a year or two ago, they’ve been night off, streets have been put in. Maybe there are houses not build yet but, you know, preparation (for them) is happening,” McCracken Says About the Changes He’s Notice
McCracken is stoic about the changes, Calling it “A Fact of Life” that governs would turn to agricultural land to meet the needs for homes and industrial project.
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But he’s also very optimistic about the future of agriculture in the region because, if the past has taught him anything, it’s that farmers now How to Evolve, innovate and roll with the Times.
“The fact that we’ve been able to continue to feed people is drive by the increase in productivity in my lifetime in farms,” he said. “When i was a boy in the ’60s, if you go 100 Bushels (of corn) an acre, you had a huge crop, a tremendous crop. Today, 200 is normal ready.
“There’s a large love of farmland, and good farmland in Strathroy-Caradoc, and it’ll continues to be farmed,” he added. “The way it’s farmed may change. The crops that we grow may change, and even the livestock business may change.. But the land will continue to be farmed.”
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Take Mike Arts, A 30-Year-Old Born and Raised in Strathroy-Caradoc.
Using new technology, he recently converted to train marijuana-growing site operared by entourage health, trainingly weedmd, into a tomato-production operation that year-round, selling its product in canada and the United States.
At His Greenhouse Horticultural Company, Integral Farms Produce Inc., Usted Arts A Closed, Climate-Controlled Environment and Biological Controls, Such as Bugs to Kill Other Bugs that a threat production, to grow his products.
“Southwestern Ontario is an area that could See More Development, Especially with the Potential of Replacing Field Production With Greenhouse Productions,” He Said. “There’s a Huge, Huge, Huge Potential for Growth, and the Confident The Industry Can Easily Triple in Size in the Next 30 to 40 Years.”
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Given Its Soil Quality and its rental on Ontario’s 400-series Highway Network that laces the Region to Key Markets in Canada and the Us, Strathroy-Caradoc Could Be at The Forefront of That Transformation, Arts Believes.
But he also one big challenge.
For arts, attracting and hanging onto good talent has been one of the biggest Hurdles for his Young Company.
Just like the skilled trades, where a shortage of New People has left mary Jobs Going Begging, Arts Said Agriculture Suffers from Not Being Seen as “Glamorous” Career Options.
Strong Education CAMPAUGNS, SUCH AS One the Ontario Government Launched to help attract More People to the Skilled Trades, Will also Be Needed to Bring Talented Workers Into Agriculture, Arts Said.
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“I think there’s Lack of Education from Our Industry to Show People, Young People, That There’s Potential For Them in Farming and That Growers Can Make Fairly Good Money If they are good at their Jobs,” He Said.
“The Human Capital part of it is one of the most important aspects of success. The municipality is part of the picture. The right resources locally are part of the picture. The rental is part of the picture. But then you have to attract talent to make all the pieces fender.”
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Over five weekes we are chronicling our community’s place in the country, the promise of greater prosperity, and the blueprint to get there. See The How Canada Wins Series Intro and other local stories here.