Stratford police seeking local man with more than 50 criminal charges before the courts

Stratford police seeking local man with more than 50 criminal

Stratford police are asking the public for help locating Timothy Kokkas, a 39-year-old Stratford man with more than 50 charges before the courts and a warrant out for his arrest.

Stratford police are asking the public for help finding Timothy Kokkas, a 39-year-old Stratford man with a warrant out for his arrest and more than 50 criminal charges dating back to December 2022 still before the courts.

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Police said Wednesday they received several reports Aug. 14 of thefts from motor vehicles parked along Wingfield Avenue in Stratford. Police identified Kokkas as a possible suspect in the thefts thanks to residential video surveillance footage. Police were unable to find Kokkas at the time, so a warrant for his arrest was issued.

On the evening of Aug. 15, police were contacted by a Grange Street resident after a man was allegedly caught on camera trying to enter a home in the early morning hours of Aug. 13. Police allege the same man returned to the home shortly after 4 am on Aug. 16. The suspect reportedly broke a window and entered the home before fleeing the area without stealing anything.

Police say video surveillance from both incidents led investigators to identify the suspect as Kokkas.

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Police said Kokkas has more than 50 separate charges before the court dating back to December 2022, many of which are related to thefts and break-and-enter offences, as well as breach of conditions.

Anyone with information on the whereabouts of Kokkas is asked to contact Stratford police at 519-271-4141 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS. Police are also reminding residents to register their security cameras with the Stratford Police Service SCRAM program at

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