Stratford Festival Veteran Named Federal Perth-Wellington NDP candidate

Following the Move by its Liberal Counterparts, the Perth-Wellington NDP Riding Association has also named its candidate for the federal election, choosing to acclaim kevin kruchkywich, who ran in 2021.


Kruchkywich, an actor and improvise, Moved to Stratford 12 Years Ago with his Wife Sara-Jeanne and is a veteran of the Stratford Festival, Having Played Roles in Much Ado About Nothing, Hamlet and Henry Vlll. He also works as a general contractor. Kruchkywich was raised in alberta, where his father was a cattle hauler and his mother worked in education.

Being on the Campaign Trail is Nothing New To Kruchkywich, who Finized Third in 2021 with 9.552 votes, or 17.2 per cent. He also ran for a city coucil seat the following year, collecting 2,681 votes. The Next Federal Election is expected to be Called in the Coming Days.

“I’m thrulled that our party has been put their Faith in Me Again in 2025,” Kruchkywich Said in a release. “(In 2021) i had the chance to connect with so many people from across our riding – people who told me that were really struggling.


“I’m running again because I know that I can be a voice in parliament that Will Fight for Everyday Families – Not Billionaires and Their Buddies. I’m Ready, and I Know that our party and our leader are Ready to Fight for Canadians.”

Astoria Buzek, President of the Local NDP Riding Association Executive, Added that Kruchkywich “has a single window into the lives of canadians from all walks of life.”

“No matter where they stand on the socio-economic spectrum, kevin has been a common thread-canadians are struggling, and many are deeply concerned about the future of the nation,” Buzek Added. “We are so excited to have kevin representing the ndp in 2025.”

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