A Stratford-based climate action group is taking to the streets later this month to express support for actions that end the use of fossil fuels.

A Stratford-based climate action group is taking to the streets later this month to express support for actions that end the use of fossil fuels.
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“Climate Momentum has been working to raise awareness of environmental issues for over five years now, and support is growing,” Bill James-Abra, the group’s chairperson, said in a release. “This march is a natural outgrowth of our successful Earth Day celebration this spring. People are concerned about the threat fossil fuels pose to our community, and they want to know that action is being taken.”
The march to Market Square Sept. 17 is the result of years of community activism, the group said.
“It’s a worldwide problem,” added Sheila Clarke, a Climate Momentum member, “and it will require all of us to work together if we are to lessen our dependence on fossil fuels. We speak for their eventual replacement with sustainable energy, for us, for all life, and for seven generations into the future.”
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The community-wide event, echoing marches being held around the world, will be supported by participants from neighboring communities, as well as local groups, including Stratford District secondary school’s Eco-Club and Get Concerned Stratford.
Wise Communities is sponsoring a sign-making workshop at the Falstaff Center just before the march, and volunteers are welcome.
Participants are asked to meet Sept. 17 at 1:15 pm for a sign-making workshop at Falstaff Centre. The march will start at 2 pm and arrive at city hall at 2:30 pm
Those who can’t attend the workshop are asked to meet at Market Square.
There will be a short round of speeches and music.
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