Strangles the electricity to charging posts and workshops

Strangles the electricity to charging posts and workshops

Updated 20.49 | Published 20.42

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IF Metall’s collective agreement fight against Tesla continues.

Now the trade union Elektrikerna refuses to provide Tesla’s workshops and charging stations in the country with service.

“Now we run”, the union writes on Facebook.

The Electricians union has joined IF Metall in the fight for a collective agreement against the car company Tesla. In a charged move, sympathy measures from the trade union have started around the country since Friday.

The refusal means that members of Elektrikerna will not repair or work with the service for electrical installations at Tesla’s ten workshops and the company’s 213 charging stations in Sweden.

“Now the electricians’ blockade of service or repair of electrical installations at Tesla’s charging stations and workshops has started and the blockade signs are posted from south to north. Now we’re driving!”, writes the union on Facebook.

The measures apply until further notice, the union writes in one press release.

full screen “Now we’re running!”, writes the union on Facebook.

Put up signs

Jonas Eriksson is chairman and regional safety representative for the Swedish Electricians’ Association in Gothenburg.

– So far, we have put up signs outside two workshops and two larger charging station locations. But we will set up more, he says.

full screen Jonas Eriksson is chairman of the Electricians in Gothenburg. Photo: Press photo

Mixed reactions

Although some have been critical, reactions have been mixed since work began at 5 a.m. Friday morning, according to Jonas.

– Some companies and car owners do not understand why we are interfering, while others think we are doing exactly the right thing by taking up the fight against a large multinational company.

full screen The sympathy measures mean that members of Elektrikerna will not repair or work with the service for electrical installations at Tesla’s ten workshops or Sweden’s 213 charging stations. Photo: Private

How long will the measures last?

– It could end tomorrow or last however long. The measures will remain in place until Tesla signs a collective agreement, says Jonas.

– At the same time, we want to point out that this is not just about IF Metall. Without it being about the Swedish model in general. The Swedish model, where Swedish parties regulate wage formation, we regulate ourselves, and it is extremely important that multinational companies do not escape, because then the whole model is set in motion, says Jonas.

full screen The sympathy measures began on Friday at 05.00 Photo: Privat

FACTS All unions on strike

arrow IF Metal

Workshop worker at Tesla service center since Oct. 27. Other general workshops since November 3.

arrow Transport

Blocked by Swedish harbor since November 7 – extended since November 17.

arrow Property

No cleaning since November 17.

arrow The electricians

No repairs in premises and charging stations since November 17.

arrow Harbor Workers’ Union

Blocked by Swedish ports since November 17.

arrow Seko

Blocked by mail and parcels, starting November 20.

arrow ST

Blocked by mail and packages from November 21.

arrow The painters

Blockade of painting work at over 100 workshops from November 21.

arrow Building

Blocked by construction work from 28 November.

arrow Musician’s Union

Stopping certain music in Tesla cars.

All notices are directed solely at handling Tesla and its cars.


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full screen Strike guards outside Tesla’s Service Center in Segeltorp. Photo: Jessica Gow/TT
