David Harbour, who many know from the Netflix series “Stranger Things”, told in an interview that he was cut from a masterpiece by Steven Spielberg and how a meeting with the director went afterwards.
In an interview with Yahoo on December 6, 2022, the actor shared how his scene was cut from a popular Spielberg sci-fi film and how he later met the director again – but he couldn’t remember Harbour.
Here you can see a trailer for Stranger Things:
Stranger Things – Trailer for the 1st season of the Netflix series (German)
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David Harbor appeared in War of the Worlds but does not appear in the film
David Harbor had a small role in the 2005 sci-fi film War of the Worlds. In the credits, the actor is listed as “Dock Worker”.
The actor shared what his little scene in the film looked like:
I had a scene with me and Tom Cruise in a bar. I don’t know if you remember the movie, but [Cruises Hafenarbeiter Ray Ferrier] works nights and is late to pick up his child after his work at the dock.
And then his mother gets really angry with him because he’s a failure, so to speak. Well, in the original script there was a scene where the reason he’s late is because he’s going out for a drink with his buddy at the bar after his shift at 8am. And his buddy in the bar was me.
Harbor via yahoo.com
It was just a small, insignificant scene, as Harbor further clarified. He already had the feeling that she might fall victim to the cut.
However, star director Spielberg was there and the actor was so excited to finally meet him after getting the role from him.
However, there is no trace of “Hopper” in the film because: His scene was cut from the final version, which Harbor found “devastating and terrible”.
The Stranger Things prequel story will start this year with young stars for the roles of Hopper and Joyce. You can read more about this here from our colleagues at Moviepilot.
But apparently the director had not only deleted the actor from his film, but also completely banished him from his memory.
Years later, Spielberg and Harbor met again, this time for a table read for another project.
There the director came to the actor and said enthusiastically: “Oh, David, I just want to say that I really love you in Revolutionary Road. I think you’re just amazing. We are so happy. I would really like to work with you one day”.
The actor didn’t hold it against him. Laughing, Harbor said in the interview: […] “I didn’t mention that we had already worked together and he cut me out of his film.”
Another time, the actor talked about how WoW took over his life for a while – until Sims opened his eyes:
WoW ruined the life of “Hopper” from Stranger Things for a year – but Sims brought enlightenment