Stranger Things star promises ‘carnage’ for record-breaking Season 4 finale

Stranger Things star promises carnage for record breaking Season 4 finale

For weeks, fans have been waiting eagerly for new information about the last two episodes of season 4 from Stranger Things. The two-part finale of the latest round will be submitted in July after only the first seven episodes were shown on Netflix in May. Now actor Joseph Quinn reveals a few exciting details.

Stranger Things on Netflix: carnage and music in the season 4 finale of the sci-fi horror series

Quinn is since season 4 as Eddie Munson in the Stranger Things universe and has already scored several memorable scenes. He does not reveal what exactly happens in episodes 8 and 9. Nevertheless, his descriptions make you sit up and take notice. Apparently we can expect a lot of music and a massive carnage.

I can reveal that there is a guitar scene and that’s the scale and the ambition [der letzten zwei Folgen] are incredible. All the seeds that are planted bear fruit and there will be slaughter. You know the finale takes two and a half hours, or? It’s very daring to end with such a monster episode that is the same length as a movie.

You can watch the latest Stranger Things trailer here:

Stranger Things S04 Volume 2 – Trailer (English) HD

The fact that the Season 4 finale of Stranger Things is oversized was leaked even before the season started. The information about the carnage and the guitar scene is new. After weeks of talking about the use of the Kate Bush hit Running Up That Hill turns, Stranger Things seems to continue to rely on the use of music.

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What are your hopes for the Season 4 finale of Stranger Things?
