Stranger Things Season 4 is causing divided reactions

Stranger Things Season 4 is causing divided reactions

The first half of Stranger Things Season 4 will be coming to Netflix soon. The specialist audience has already been able to watch the next 7 episodes of the fantasy hit. The reaction is benevolent. But the series apparently makes some big blunders.

Stranger Things 4 shocks Netflix with horror, but has major weaknesses

The impressive innovations are praised. Empire impresses the new villain Vecna and the horror twist of the new season, which gives the series a “miss much-needed refreshment.

Check out the trailer for Stranger Things Season 4 Issue 1 here:

Stranger Things – S04 Issue 1 Trailer (German) HD

The Hollywood Reporter agrees, describing the season as “the most brutal so far” describes. The running time of the individual episodes is worse. Oh Lord, these episodes are long!“, it says there. With up to 98 minutes in the seventh episode, there is a lot of time. But still some storylines seem “not very interesting“, as Gamesradar notes.

The stories become less enticing the further away they are from Hawkins“, also comments on Variety . A frequently cited example is Hoppers (David Harbour) apparently quite tough told Russia adventure.

Basically, the critics seem to have been entertained by the new episodes. But theleast charming, unfunny and unimaginative season yet obviously has a lot of bugs too.

When is Stranger Things season 4 coming to Netflix?

The first seven episodes of Stranger Things Season 4 are out May 27, 2022 to Netflix. Two more episodes of the fantasy series will follow on July 1, 2022.

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