Stranger Things & Avatar stars in Kevin Costner’s dream project

Stranger Things Avatar stars in Kevin Costners dream project

The Lord of the Rings movies are masterpieces that inspire respect just by running them together. She wants Hollywood veteran Kevin Costner (Yellowstone) with his 11-hour western epic Horizon. And put together a suitable cast with Jamie Campbell Bower (Stranger Things) and Sam Worthington (Avatar).

Bigger than Lord of the Rings: Stars from Avatar and Stranger Things in the Wild West

That reports Deadline. Sienna Miller (American Sniper) is also said to be in the game. Costner plans four films of 2 hours and 45 minutes, which are to be created in a massive 220 days of shooting. The story tells the story of a group of settlers over a period of 15 years. It is not yet known what roles Campbell, Worthington and Miller will play.

According to Kevin Costner, special attention should be paid to the female roles. The actor is back in the director’s chair for the first time since Open Range. His acclaimed directorial work Dances With Wolves won seven Oscars in 1991.

When Should Kevin Costner’s Western Epics Be Released?

The first of the four films is to be shot from autumn 2022, the other three from April 2023. Costner wants to publish the films at three-month intervals and plans to evaluate them on TV or stream. The first film is not expected before the end of 2024.

The best streaming films of 2022 on Netflix, Disney+ and Co.

Need more fresh streaming tips? The most exciting series that you can stream in August on Netflix, Amazon, Disney+ and more can be found here in the monthly preview:

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