Strange needle injections haunt France – more than 300 people injected in nightclubs and concerts

Strange needle injections haunt France more than 300 people

The phenomenon has also been studied in Britain. Cases have also been reported in Belgium and the Netherlands.

In France, more than 300 people are said to have had a needle stick in their skin at nightclubs and concerts in recent months.

However, no one seems to know who is doing this and why – and whether there has been a drug or the like in the injections.

Nightclub owners and police are trying to raise awareness.

The phenomenon affects not only France but also Britain. In addition, some cases have been reported in Belgium and the Netherlands.

Women in particular have been hit in France

People have been injected in France, including in Paris, Toulouse and Nancy. Women in particular have been scored.

Victims have had clear signs of injections in their skin, often bruising. In addition, they have felt unwell.

According to French police, more than 300 people have made an official report of a needle injection. Police are investigating cases in various areas, but no suspects have been arrested, no needles have been found and no information on the motive has been found.

No sexual abuse has been reported.

However, doctors are concerned that victims will get HIV, hepatitis or other infectious diseases through the injection.

The French Ministry of the Interior launched the campaign

The French Ministry of the Interior has launched a campaign to raise awareness of the phenomenon. Police distribute brochures and discuss with nightclub owners ways to prevent incidents.

In Britain, Parliament issued a report on the matter in April, when injections increased unexpectedly last year.

British police said about a thousand injections by October. At the time, students returned to campus after the corona restrictions eased.

However, the report stated that there was insufficient information to assess the seriousness of the matter.

* You can discuss the topic until Saturday, June 4, 2022 at 11 p.m.
