Storm of criticism against Ikea’s hot dogs: “Disgusting”

Storm of criticism against Ikeas hot dogs Disgusting

Many people who shop at Ikea also take the opportunity to eat there. The department stores not only offer cheap furniture but also cheap food.

In recent times, however, not all of Ikea’s food has gone home to customers.

Already last week, a new dish on Ikea’s restaurant menu was met with criticism. The dish in question was intended for the children’s menu and consisted of some vegetarian nuggets, mashed potatoes and a corn cob, something that made customers feel sorry for the children.


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A few days later, the furniture giant publishes a picture of their range of hot dogs and that too will upset customers in Ikea’s Facebook comment field. The post shows three different types of hot dog: Boiled hot dog, vegetable hot dog and veggie hot dog.

It is clear that the vegetarian options on offer are not to everyone’s taste.

“Veggie hot dogs, aren’t they for dogs? Why persist in trying to imitate meat products without meat…”

“1 in 3 edible”

“Plant sausage?”

“The 2 bottom ones shouldn’t be called sausages”

“Veggie sausage looks like a poisonous frog, looks generally unappetizing?”

“Why 2 veg sausages?”

Photo: Screenshot/Facebook Ikea.Photo: Screenshot/Facebook Ikea.Photo: Screenshot/Facebook Ikea.Photo: Screenshot/Facebook Ikea.Photo: Screenshot/Facebook Ikea.Photo: Screenshot/Facebook Ikea.

The criticism does not end there.

Some of the comments point out that not all Ikea stores offer gluten-free sausage bread, something that Ikea also responds to on Facebook.

Photo: Screenshot/Facebook Ikea.Photo: Screenshot/Facebook Ikea.Photo: Screenshot/Facebook Ikea.

Others call for chicken sausages as an alternative to the pork sausages and the vegetarian ones. Ikea also answers this.

Photo: Screenshot/Facebook Ikea.


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See the post in its entirety below:
