Storm Hans is still wreaking havoc in Norway – the hydroelectric power plant is flooded, a cottage is swept away and highways are closed

Storm Hans is still wreaking havoc in Norway – the

The most critical situation is at the Braskereidfoss hydropower plant. Water has flowed into the plant’s area, and its floodgates have not opened.

In Finland, the Sylvia storm remained quiet, but in Norway, the Hans storm has continued its destruction today, Wednesday.

The most critical situation is currently at the Braskereidfoss hydropower plant in the eastern part of Norway. Water has flowed into the area of ​​the power plant as a result of the Hans storm, and its floodgates have not opened as they should.

Now the water has started to flood over the dam. According to the authorities, the water bodies are currently not under control. Norway’s Minister of Justice and Preparedness Emilie Enger Mehlin according to the situation is critical.

The police are currently investigating the most effective way to reduce the water pressure at the hydropower plant, tells Norwegian public broadcaster NRK.

– We are considering using explosives to open the floodgate of one of the power plants, Innlandet’s police director Paul Erik Teigen says to NRK.

The bomb squad and the defense forces have been alerted for help.

Residents have been evacuated from the danger area, and the hydropower plant is currently completely out of use.

A cabin drifting with the current

In central Norway, in the municipality of Hemsedal, an entire holiday home drifted with the flowing floodwater until it was crushed against a bridge. The destruction of the cabin can be seen in the video that is the main image of this story.

Holidayed in Hemsedal Dag Magnus Brendefur saw the cottage drifting along with the water from his hotel window.

– The small house was simply derailed by all the flood water, Brendefur told for NRK.

The cabin probably came from a nearby camping area.

In addition, the Hans storm has interrupted traffic on the highways running from Oslo to Trondheim. The closures of highway E6 and highway 3 make it difficult to move between the eastern, central and western parts of the country.

Highways have been submerged in some places. In other places, boulders have rolled onto the roads or trees have fallen.

On Tuesday, the Hans storm caused landslides in Norway, from which people had to be evacuated. In addition, dozens of people were evacuated from under the flooded rivers.

The storm also caused destruction in Denmark and Sweden.
