Stop the transfer of credits, the reactions: urgent confrontation with the Government

State aid Giorgetti at the EU summit battle to avoid

(Finance) – It causes a lot of discussion government move, came as a surprise yesterday with an addition to the agenda of the CDM: the decree on the transfer of tax credits relating to tax interventions. Only two articles, but with impact measures through which the Government has decided to turn the page on building bonuses, including superbonus.

In practice, for new interventions it will no longer be possible to resort to the transfer of credit or discount on the invoice. Also comes the dprohibition for public administrations to purchase credits deriving from building bonuses. uno stop which effectively stops a phenomenon that had recently taken hold, but which had had a certain following. But precisely these purchases, as highlighted by Eurostat, “would have a direct impact on the public debt”, explained the Minister of Economy Giorgetti.

Today is there reaction day. “With the government halting the transfer of building credits by public bodies, companies will be left without liquidity and there is a risk of a sudden blockage of construction sites with serious consequences for the maintenance of businesses and jobs”. This is the comment of the President of Legacoop Production and Services, Gianmaria Balducci to the rule in the Decree law on the PNRR which prohibits public administrations, such as Municipalities and Regions, di purchase the tax credits linked to the Superbonus.

“This is how a sudden blockage of building bonuses is proposedas already happened last November, sinking one of the most important production chains in the country, which is recovering after years of enormous difficulties and the loss of businesses and jobs.
The business world, in particular that of construction, operates by scheduling the works, purchasing materials, renting equipment which sometimes require long waiting times”, reads the note.

“We have to work – underlines Balducci – to release non-performing loans and plan medium and long-term solutions, which offer certain prospects to businesses and households, continuing to work to improve the energy efficiency of buildings and overall improve the Italian building stock”. Legacoop Production and Services expects, as announced by the Government, to be convened next Monday together with the other sector associations, hoping for a quick solution that avoids relapses on a social and economic level.

For Confcommercio-Imprese “structural solutions to the liquidity crisis of companies that have failed to transfer tax credits to third parties need to be identifieda due to the saturation of the market and for which the possibility of transferring these credits to the public administrations is now even less – due to the prohibition brought about by the decree passed by the Government. An urgent comparison between Government and trade associations also in consideration of the decisive role played by the construction chain for the grounding of the PNRR”.

ABI and ANCE “show that the decree law approved yesterday by the Council of Ministers provides clarifications in relation to the regime of joint liability in cases of ascertained non-existence of the requisites that entitle to the use of building bonuses and can help to reactivate the sales of these tax credits”. This is what we read in a note.

“However, the timing of the restart of these trades is not compatible with the liquidity crisis of the many companies that are unable to transfer the tax credits accrued.

Therefore, for ABI and ANCE, a timely measure is necessary that allows banks to immediately expand their purchasing capacity by using a part of the tax debts collected with the F24, offsetting them with credits from building bonuses sold by companies and acquired by banks “.
