Stop RdC, majority-opposition clash. Trade union alert

Stop RdC majority opposition clash Trade union alert

(Finance) – The clash over the Basic income after that in the past few hours, the INPS sent a text messages to 169,000 Italian families, informing them that from August they will no longer benefit from the subsidy (because there are no minors, disabled or over-65s in their nucleus).

Protests throughout Italy but maximum alert in Naples, where the potential orphans of support are 21,500, and throughout Campania, where the total number rises to around 37,000. The Inps centers of the Region could end up in the crosshairs and will be monitored by the police. Meanwhile, the oppositions are attacking the Government, in particular the 5 Star Movement. Meanwhile, the proposal for a commission of inquiry into the former INPS president Tridico for lack of checks on the recipients of the subsidy arrives from the Brothers of Italy.

Criticisms rain down: if the leader of the 5 Star Movement, Giuseppe Conte talks about “institutional bullying”, also the secretary Pd Elly Schlein thunders defining the Government’s choice to communicate as “brutal”.and the stop to income through a text message.

Dismay also on the part of the trade unions. With the stop to basic income, “in the coming days, hundreds of thousands of people will find themselves without support,” says Daniela Barbaresi, head of social and health policies at the CGIL. “The government – underlines Barbaresi – is unloading the burden on the Municipalities, but the Municipalities cannot do it, they have no resources and they have no staff” to allow social services to take charge of people and to communicate the taking charge toINPS. In addition “the procedures are missing, the circulars are missing, the activation of training support is missing, which in any case will not start before September”.
