“Stop puking on my series”

Stop puking on my series

For Charlie Sheen, Two and a Half Men ended with Season 8. But after his expulsion, a new saga began. The show went on for over 4 years without its star. During this period, Sheen engaged in a mud fight with his replacement Ashton Kutcher. Whereby the mud mostly only flew from one direction. Sheen hated seeing anyone other than himself in the Harper house in Malibu.

At first glance, his attacks, which we arrange here chronologically, seem funny. And they kind of are, after all, Charlie Sheen is a born entertainer. However, plagued the actor at the time mental and health problems.

He found out about his HIV infection and suffered from various addictions. Sheen was doing poorly before and after the split from Two and a Half Men. It was the culmination of a steady downward trend leading to a discord with Two and a Half Men creator Chuck Lorre. Everything the star said between 2011 and 2015 needs to be put into context.

Charlie Sheen’s initial reaction to Ashton Kutcher was (apparently) positive

It started out quite peacefully. In May 2011 Kutcher was announced as Charlie Sheen’s replacement, securing the future of the series, which was in doubt. Incidentally, Hugh Grant was also being discussed as Sheen’s successor. “I can’t replace Charlie Sheen, but I’ll do whatever it takes to keep people entertained.” said Kutcher upon his arrival to smooth things over. you have “found the right man”Sheen gave his blessing .

The first TAAHM episode with Kutcher aired on September 19, 2011 aired. Luckily for us, Charlie Sheen’s reaction to the episode has survived. It was performed by comedian Jeff Ross, who published an article in The Hollywood Reporter describing his Men night out with Sheen: The star did laughed at Kutcher scenes and praised him. Yes, according to the article, Sheen has herself too “funny” felt at the sight of the series that had moved on without him.

What Charlie Sheen Really Thought About Ashton Kutcher

in the Late winter 2012 Sheen then breaks it out:

i’m tired of lying I’m tired of pretending the show doesn’t suck. I’m tired of pretending like Ashton doesn’t suck. […] It’s nothing personal. I just feel sorry for him, he has to work with bad scripts.

It is difficult to say whether the mild attitude was really only played before or whether the actor only later became bitter. During these months, a drug relapse is reported and Sheen is often noticed by erratic behavior in public. After that, however, he did not comment significantly on his ex-series for a while. until legendary Twitter thunderstorm in winter 2014which even Ashton Kutcher could no longer ignore.

“Shut up:” How Charlie Sheen provoked Ashton Kutcher

Sheen’s Twitter account was notorious before. He offered him the stage for a venomous tirade against Ashton Kutcher, which had a difficult time with the hardcore fans anyway. And those same hardcore fans followed Charlie Sheen on Twitter when he lashed out at Kutcher:

January 5, 2014:

Hey Jon (Cryer, the Alan actor)! You are a genius! I love and fucking miss you old buddy. Question: Who’s your boring sidekick?

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January 6, 2014:

Hey Ashton, sorry brother, all good. now stop throwing up on my old great series. Do you remember Punk’d? [Kutcher wurde in seiner Prank-Show durch Justin Bieber ersetzt.] How does that feel?

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It took a month for Ashton Kutcher to react and turn what had been one-sided insults into a beef. On Jimmy Kimmel Live he said.

Can I just have a minute to make a public request to Charlie? Dude, just shut up! It’s enough now. It’s been three years and you’re still teasing me on Twitter. Serious?

Charlie Sheen immediately fired back:

Ashton, message received. I am so sorry. you sounded like me Very well done. My mistake. I was mad about other things and took it out on you. Hope you are doing well.

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That sounds nice at first, but…

But News Flash, mate. If you tell me to shut up again, ever again, I’ll let you eat hospital fare for a year. Do you understand me, boy?

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How Charlie Sheen and Ashton Kutcher later felt about the Two and a Half Men argument

The public Internet brawl was over. The embers cooled down, which was probably also due to the general waning interest: The Two and Half Men’s ratings steadily dropped with Ashton Kutcherafter its first episode broke records.

In October 2014, Kutcher explained on Conan O’Brien’s Late Night Show how he banished Charlie Sheen from his perception.

I just stopped listening to what Charlie Sheen says. Charlie Sheen has become one of those Charlie Brown parents for me. It all sounds like ‘wah wah wah'”

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The last episode, Two and a Half Men, aired on February 19, 2015. Two years later, the star admitted to regretting his behavior towards the series and Ashton Kutcher. He happened to meet Kutcher at a baseball stadium and apologized to him.

What exactly was behind Sheen’s outbursts is unclear. His generally unstable condition will certainly have contributed to this and strengthened the emotions. Perhaps the hostility also speaks to a certain extent disappointment in himself. Charlie Sheen’s heart is in Two and a Half Men, he’s never made a secret of that. And he probably knows best that it didn’t have to end like this.

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