Stop opening plastic packaging like this

Stop opening plastic packaging like this

A great many products are packaged in plastic packaging, not least foodstuffs.

Regardless of whether you buy chips, bread, sweets or something else, you will in many cases have to open a plastic package to access the contents.

Photo: Hanna Franzén/TT

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ICA is changing the plastic bags

Recently it became clear that Ica is making a change in its chip bags.

Since September, the inside of the food giant’s chips is made of a different material, which is now white rather than metallic.

The reason is that all plastic packaging must be fully recyclable by 2025.

– In order for a plastic package to be recycled, it needs to consist of a single material, so-called mono-material, which we now have. The white inside also makes it easier for the consumer to understand that it should be sorted as plastic. The new bag also has less pressure, 60 percent printing surface, which facilitates recycling, has Jenny Gerdespress officer at Ica Gruppen, previously explained to News24.

READ MORE: Noticed something different with Ica’s chips? This is why

The tax on carrier plastic bags will be abolished on 1 November

Another change that affects all consumers is that the tax on plastic carrier bags will be abolished on 1 November.

This can lead to the price of the tills being halved in some grocery stores, as Nyheter24 previously reported.

READ MORE: The tax is abolished on 1 November – the cost can be halved

Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TTSo you should never open the plastic bag

There are several ways to open plastic packaging.

Some use their hands, others use scissors. However, there is another common method that you should always avoid.

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“Can create problems”

For Gothenburg Post advises the dentist Johanna Andersson people from using their teeth to bite open plastic packaging.

The reason is that small pieces of enamel can come loose on the front teeth. The same thing can happen if you accidentally bite the fork.

– Small pieces of enamel can come loose on the front teeth, which can cause problems. The filling is so shallow that it easily falls off because you often use these surfaces. Some have extremely fragile teeth and I usually urge these to avoid sourdough bread and chewy cookies, she tells the newspaper.

Johanna Andersson continues by explaining why people over 65, mainly those in their forties, are more vulnerable than other age groups.

– Many fortysomethings still have amalgam fillings, and they eventually create cracks in the teeth because the amalgam expands. Taking care of your teeth is important, not least for older people. New findings show that caries is increasing among patients who are 65 years of age or older. At the same time, older people get to keep their teeth increasingly higher in age.

READ MORE: Ica’s sharp appeal to all Swedes: “Seriously”
