(S)top from knocking on doors in Sala during this year’s election campaign

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

Last spring, the Social Democrats sent a request to the board in Salabostäder to gain access to the company’s stairwell ahead of this year’s election campaign, just as in the previous election. This time, however, a decision was made not to release any lock tags or port codes.

According to Bernard Niglis, CEO of Salabostäder, it is simply because the company replaced its old systems with codes to use intercoms instead.

– They can call the intercom and if people let them in, it’s okay.

Can you see that it is a problem for the Social Democrats before the election campaign that they cannot distribute social information?

– I can’t see that it’s a problem for anyone. They have access to all our tenants, but in the same way as everyone else. If nobody opens the door, nobody gets in.

Per-Olov Rapp says that he raised the issue in the democracy committee in Sala municipality.

– There they also thought it was an important issue. I hope you can change the decision. If not this year, then before the next election year.

In the clip, Per-Olov Rapp (S) tells more about why he thinks this is causing it in election campaigning.
