Stop diesel and petrol car sales in 2035, the government’s reaction to the vote of the EU Parliament

Stop diesel and petrol car sales in 2035 the governments

(Finance) – After the approval by the European Parliament of the norm that fixes in 2035 the stop at the sale of car diesel And gas the comments of the Italian government arrive. In a post on Instagram, the leader of the League, Matteo Salvinidefines the vote as a “crazy and disconcerting decision, against Italian and European industries and workers, to the full advantage of Chinese companies and interests”.

“We are convinced today more than ever that serious reflection is needed in Europe to make the green objectives of 2035, which we all share, compatible with the effective possibility of our industrial system to convert production in the pre-established stages. We spoke about it again today in the Stellantis table, with the company and the unions with the aim of a sustainability that guarantees employment”, commented the Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy instead, Adolfo bear.

“The government has repeatedly expressed its perplexity about the times and ways that Europe has established for overcoming petrol and diesel engines. The Italian automotive industry has always expressed talent and excellence, it represents 20% of GDP and is a strategic sector that employs 250,000 people”, declared the Minister of the Environment and Energy Security in a statement, Gilbert Picket Brother. “Now – added Pichetto – we have to proceed along two lines: on the one hand, promoting a greater gradualness in stopping the marketing of vehicles, on the other, pushing to the maximum in the production of biofuels, which represent a clean supply chain that would make it possible to maintain the current setting up the automotive production system”.

“Environmental objectives – concluded the minister – are not in question: petrol and diesel are polluting for our cities and have a negative impact on the greenhouse effect. However, we believe that thisexit strategy‘ should lead in the medium term to a stronger reconverted sector, with solid development prospects that protect professionalism and jobs”.

“The long-awaited vote of the European Parliament confronts us with the need to accelerate a transition that from the outset has presented itself as complex and not without risks, both at an economic and social level”, commented the director general of Amphia, Gianmarco Jordan. “To achieve the ambitious targets – he added – it will therefore be important to adopt a synergistic approach that involves all the players involved in putting in place a structured and concrete plan, both at Italian and European level, allocating extraordinary funds to support investments for the productive reconversion of companies and continuing with the incentive and infrastructure development plan”.
